Making The Character

The model of my robot was constructed from a cylinder primitive and the arms and legs were extruded from the body. The hand is constructed with 3 finger like pieces this is too keep the hand model simple and also to create the desired typical robot look for when he analysis his hand in one of the sequences.

The head and mouth were created as separate objects. the mouth would need to be able to move fully independently of the head so I decided to model it separately. I wanted the head unattached to give me more versatile options during the animating. I am considering the character changes his head for a newer one. This will be dependent on whether I get time to do this at this end of the planned animation sequences.

A biped was created and rigged with the model using the physique modifier. This is a much more straightforward method of rigging the character than in previous projects. There is however less room for controlling the envelopes and setting very specific weights on certain limbs.

The different expression mouth shapes were created from the original mouth which then had the morpher modifier applied to it. The morpher allowed for a range of facial expressions to be created. Due to the nature of the mouth i did not have a full range of control as I would with a more human mouth, this would be a problem in conveying the emotion of my character.

The eyes were created using spheres and adjusting the hemisphere to create the eyelids. An FFD box was placed around them to make them deformable. The two eyes will act independent of each other in the animation, one of which will be made to look like it is hanging off the face.

The head, mouth, eyes and namebadge were linked to the model with the Select and Link tool making sure I had the correct parent/child arrangement so that they all moved in unison with the model.