
As with previous 3D projects this has again proved highly challenging. I set my self a difficult task from the beginning by having a character with a mouth that would prove difficult to portray emotion with. I did realise this early on but I chose to stick with, in the end provided a relatively successful result.

I believe I have portrayed the story well and feedback from audiences so far have noted that it is amusing particularly the end when its limbs and eye pops out. I believe I created a good range of movement with the model, the characterization is quite strong with the zombie mannerisms and the sadness portrayed about him not being like the robots in the poster.

I attempted to portray the moral of its okay to be different / be an individual. The ending of the animation is not quite clear enough on this on reflection. The moral can get all too lost when ones mind is concentrating on the actual technical aspects of the animation. The character would have been better showing a contented expression at the end of the animation to show he was still happy even after his arm & eye fall off again.

I learnt new production methods in the form of the physique modifier which made the skinning / rigging much more straightforward. I also learnt the morpher modifier and the FFD box tool. As the final 3D project I will undertake I am happy with the range of skills I have acquired. I have discovered in regards to 3D my strengths lie solid surface detailed modelling and its this area which I will look to develop post studies.

It is always highly satisfying bringing a character to life and I believe I have created a likeable and fun character that meets the brief well.